Finexio Card Payment via Mail
Cards are a safe and secure way to receive payments. If you have received a card in the mail and have questions, please refer to the FAQ’s below and reach out to us via the contact information highlighted in these answers.
- Faster Payment: By streamlining the payment process, Finexio's Card-by-Mail program provides faster payment delivery and funds availability.
- Enhanced Security: Card-by-Mail payments are much more secure than mailed paper checks and are only available to be used by the designated payee for a single-use.
- Opt-Out 24/7: If a recipient is unwilling to accept a card payment, they can contact Finexio's 24/7 Opt-Out service to receive payment via an alternate method.
How it Works
Print & Mail:
Finexio sends a card via First Class USPS mail in lieu of a paper check. Suppliers receive and process their payment just as they would any other card
Finexio makes several attempts to reach the card recipients to ensure awareness and to answer questions
Settlement & Reissue:
If a supplier does not process the card and/or opts-out of card-by-mail, Finexio will reissue the payment via mailed paper check
Frequently Asked Questions
The letter makes it clear it is from you and summarizes invoices that they ought to recognize. It is also clear who to contact with questions. Finexio will explain the opt-out nature of the program and the benefits to the supplier.
1. What is the MasterCard Payment Program
The MasterCard Payment Program is an electronic accounts payable process that enables suppliers to receive ongoing payments with a single-use card number delivered via physical mail or email.Suppliers receiving payments enter the card number into their card payment system each time an invoice is paid. The card number is valid for one payment only and expires after each use.
2. What is this MasterCard payment that I received?
This MasterCard payment is a single-use, non-reloadable, digital card issued to a supplier via mail. It includes a secure payment number that uses the same network as a debit or credit card transaction.MasterCard payments have less risk and costs associated than issuing check or ACH, plus they’re easily accepted by any supplier already accepting cards through their bank or merchant services provider.
3. What does one of these payments look like?
4. How much does the program cost?
The program is free for suppliers to participate in. The cost per transaction depends on your current contract with your bank or merchant acquiring organization. Your normal credit card processing fees will apply when the MasterCard Payment is processed.
1. How do I process a MasterCard payment?
Enter into your point-of-sale (POS) terminal the 16 digits displayed on the card. If your POS terminal requires the CVV or expiration date, those will also be provided on the card after opening it.The payment will process as soon as the information is entered, and you will receive payment within your standard credit/debit card settlement process.
2. What if a transaction fails?
If you are unable to process the card, please call Finexio at (407) 232-9138 or email at Please have your card number available for our team to be able to provide assistance.
3. Can I access my payment activity and history online?
Yes, access to all your payment history and current transaction activity is available through our self-service supplier portal.Call Finexio at (407) 232-9138 to complete enrollment and you will be sent an invitation and instructions for activating your account.
4. Can I receive the MasterCard payment via email instead of through the mail?
Yes, contact Finexio at (407) 232-9138 and provide a valid email for Finexio to receive the MasterCard payments through email.
5. How frequently will I receive a MasterCard payment as a form of payment?
If the MasterCard payment is accepted then all future payments will be in the MasterCard Payment method.
Finexio will contact the supplier 8 and 12 days after the card is issued. After 14 days the card will be defunded and a check will be mailed. A second virtual card attempt may be made with the next invoice cycle.
Occasionally the file Finexio procures flags a supplier as accepting Mastercard when they do not. In this case the payment will not be processed. The supplier will need to call Finexio (phone number on the letter) and we will arrange payment through other methods.
1. Why should I move away from paper check?
Electronic payments like a MasterCard payment work to improve daily working capital by increasing cash flow due to expedited receivables.Paper checks also hold the highest end-to-end cost, between $4 and $10, and often higher. Electronic payments are more secure as check fraud and postal service reliability are growing issues, with an average of 75% of organizations experiencing check fraud each year.
2. What level of support will I receive?
A supplier success number is available 24/7 to support your inquiries at (407) 232-9138, where you can leave a voicemail that will be responded to within 48 hours. Additionally, you can email a member of the supplier payments team at
3. How long will it take for my MasterCard payment to reach me?
a. Card by Mail method: 3-5 days via US First Class mail.
b.Card by Email method: 1-3 days via secure link emailed to your inbox.
1. What if I can’t process credit cards, can I still participate?
Yes, we have the ability to help set up any suppliers with alternative electronic payment acceptance methods. For inquiries, contact us at (407) 232-9138.
2. How can I opt out of receiving MasterCard payments?
You are able to opt-out by calling Finexio’s Supplier Enablement team at (407) 232-9138.
3. What are my other payment options if I want to opt out?
Other payment methods available after opting out of the MasterCard Payment program include ACH, wire, electronic check, and paper check.
Finexio has found that the “push” approach has greater acceptance to virtual cards than seeking permission first. For some accounts, there is pushback to be automatically enrolled in the program, but once established, there is a high level of satisfaction with virtual cards as a preferred method of payments.
The first letter can go out as soon as you are ready.