Finexio Shield

Secure Your B2B Payments with Unparalleled Fraud Protection. Eliminate Fraud Risk and Liability with Finexio's Vetted Supplier Network.

A trusted partner of some of the largest financial institutions, procurement, and accounts payable software.

Payment Fraud Surging to Crisis Levels

Can your AP team keep up with fraudsters' rapidly evolving and sophisticated tactics?

80% of companies were targeted by payment fraud in 2023, a staggering 15-point increase from 65% in 2022 (AFP). Fraudsters are increasingly exploiting vulnerabilities in checks, ACH, and wire transfers, with Business Email Compromise (BEC) as the top threat.


of victimized organizations hit by fraud


or more failed to be recovered


recovered nothing (AFP)


of all organizations take weeks or more to even discover fraud

The Crippling Costs of B2B Payment Fraud

Beyond immediate financial losses, payment fraud causes:

  • Severe reputational damage and loss of trust from suppliers/partners
  • Major supply chain and operational disruptions
  • Burdensome recovery costs and wastes AP time/resources

How much is just one fraudulent payment costing your business?

Why Your Current Fraud Controls
are Failing

Manual Callbacks

Manual callbacks and approvals are time-consuming and error-prone, still leaving you exposed.

Positive Pay

Increasingly clever fraudsters easily circumvent positive pay, blocks, and filters.

Reliance on Team

Your AP team, juggling many priorities, is ill-equipped to keep pace with ever-changing fraud threats.


Your AP team is ill-equipped and juggling many priorities. Your business remains vulnerable to potentially catastrophic fraud losses.

Stop Exposing Your Business to Unnecessary Risk

Payment fraud losses are no longer a question of "if" but "when." Why leave your company vulnerable when you can outsource risk for a nominal fee?

Current Process

Slow, inefficient, and risky with an
80% fraud exposure.

Finexio Shield

Faster payments with zero fraud liability.
100% secure.

a woman working on her laptop

Now You Can Eliminate Fraud Risk with Finexio Shield

Comprehensive fraud/liability protection for all virtual card and ACH payments in the Finexio network

Covers up to $1M per incident - finally giving your AP team peace of mind

3bps fee on spend is a bargain for bulletproof payment security

Finexio assumes fraud risk by extensively vetting suppliers through a rigorous insured process

How Finexio Shield Works

Approve Payment

Your AP team submits payment to Finexio without worry

Supplier Validation

Finexio vets supplier and ensures validity

Send Payment

Finexio executes secure payments to the supplier

Zero Fraud Liability

Finexio absorbs fraud loss


100% secure fraud-proof payments without risk or effort for your AP team.

The Finexio Shield Approach to Payment Security

Insurance-Backed Guarantees

  • Comprehensive protection against fraud and liability
  • Leading insurers to provide the highest level of assurance

Rigorous Vetting & Onboarding Processes

  • Comprehensive account verification and identity confirmation
  • Maintain a trusted network of verified suppliers

Real-time Transaction Monitoring & Anomaly Detection

  • Advanced AI and data analytics to identify suspicious activities
  • Proactive detection and prevention of fraudulent transactions
  • Minimizes financial losses and operation disruptions for clients

Tech Stack Powered by AI 

  • Keeps ahead of evolving fraud tactics and schemes
  • Distinguishes between legitimate and fraudulent transactions
  • Continuous learning of fraud detection algorithms through data analysis and pattern recognition

AI Technology is Key to Reduce Risk & Increase Efficiency

Payment Security

Finexio leverages best-in-class Algorithms purpose-built for real-time fraud detection, including:

  • Real-Time Transaction Monitoring
  • Sanctions Screening and Watchlists
  • Bank Account Validation

Payment Delivery

Leverage accurate payment data and dynamically identify delivery data to prevent payment exceptions and delays.

  • Finexio payments have an exception rate of less than 2%

Supplier Management

Finexio’s AI model predicts key outcomes for electronic payment conversion, including virtual cards, diving the highest possible payment monetization.

The Transformative Benefits of Finexio Shield

Less Burden

Unburdens your AP team - no more wasted time vetting suppliers or stressing about fraud.

Eliminate Checks

Enables significantly faster, smoother payment process by removing manual checks.

Secure  Payments

Provides your company a major competitive edge with more efficient, secure supplier payments.

Peace of Mind

Priceless peace of mind that your business is protected from potentially devastating fraud losses.

Get Finexio Shield Now Before It's Too Late

Act Now

Act now to implement this essential anti-fraud armor for your business

Seamless Onboarding

No disruptions to existing AP processes or supplier relationships

Dedicated Support

Dedicated Finexio support to enroll suppliers and scale your secure payment network

Avoid Damage

Avoid the devastating financial and reputational damage of just one successful fraud attack

Let Finexio Shield Your AP Payments from Mounting Fraud Threats and Enable Faster, Secure Payments.

Contact us today to eliminate fraud risk and enable faster, secure payments.