The Courage to Go Paperless

In a world plagued by outdated payment methods, having the courage to go paperless is key. Too many businesses are clinging to inefficient practices that drive up costs and expose them to fraud. It doesn't have to be like this. The time for change is not just possible—it's necessary. It's time to say, "Enough is enough."
Enough is Enough
Far too many enterprises persist in treating suppliers as mere customers. The fact is, the businesses you pay are not your customers, but what we see most often is businesses treat them as if they were. Yes, there will be certain strategic supplier relationships that need to be treated differently -- different payment terms, different discounts, different negotiations about method of payment form and delivery factor. But the vast majority of your suppliers are not strategic. They are waiting to be moved off of labor intensive, fraud-prone paper checks onto modern payment methods. As a Finexio partner, it is your mission to help do that.
The End of Checks
The signs are clear: paper checks are gradually phasing out. This is part of the embedded finance movement. The retailer Target recently announced they would stop accepting checks in favor of more modern payment methods. Other retailers have already made this move. Whole Foods, for example, stopped accepting personal checks ten years ago. This gradual yet determined transition from antiquated payment practices has become mainstream. In a world demanding efficiency and security, holding onto antiquated payment methods such as paying by paper check isn't just inefficient; it poses a genuine risk. If you are a procure-to-pay or financial software company and the accounts payable side of your business is still paying suppliers by check, you are way behind the curve.
Finexio Partners Are Driving Transition to a Paperless Reality
Finexio offers the only embedded payment platform that is purpose-built for partners to transition away from payment by paper check. We currently have about 20 Finexio partners managing roughly 1/2 Trillion in spend for over 300,000 companies. Our partners are visionary, forward thinking, and capitalizing on the inevitability of a paperless payment ecosystem. They share our vision of a world where finance leaders only need to decide "what" to pay and Finexio seamlessly handles the "how" and "when."
Are you Ready to Eliminate Paper Checks?
Venturing into the new paperless paradigm is not hard to do but it demands courage. Going paperless requires the bold rejection of status quo practices in favor of a swifter, smarter, and more secure payment management approach. If you crave restful slumber knowing your transactions are safeguarded and your AP team and customers are liberated from dated processes, the hour is nigh to join our movement. The future terrain of B2B payments unfurls before you—embracing it signifies a transformative journey starting the instant you choose to embrace it. Eliminate paper checks. Become a Finexio Partner today!